

THE current wave of political hooliganism could be a premonition of the dark scenario that awaits the cam- paigns for the 2021 general elections.

It is for this and many other reasons that political players ought to get to the round-table and immediately thrash out their differences. 

Firstly, political parties must hold intra-party sensitiza- tion programmes on peace and co-existence before call- ing for inter-party dialogue for genuine reconciliation. 

From the outset, it appears that some politicians are taking the forthcoming elections as a matter of life and death, going by the unfolding events and sentiments therein. 

Yes, the 2021 elections will be crucial, but should not be a matter of life and death because politics is about giving oneself for selfless service and not self- interest. 

Some politicians’ insatiable appetite for power gives them away even when they try hard to present them- selves as individuals aiming to serve the people. 

Clearly, within their supposedly attractive discourse to plead for support, a tinge of venom would accidental- ly exit their mouths. 

The bitterness with which they speak also gives them away as people all out to get state power for reasons other than serving the people. 

Invariably, the feud is between the United Party for Na- tional Development (UPND) and the Patriotic Front (PF), whose cadres do not want to meet “eye-to-eye.” 

If the events in Mufulira are anything to go by, then the 2021 campaign trial will not be a walk in the park. 

There are two pertinent questions which both parties must address objectively; without any emotions. 

For the UPND, wasn’t there a civilised way of dealing with the events outside the radio station in Mufulira? UPND were in large numbers. 

Secondly, what were the PF cadres doing in the vi- cinity of the radio station which was crowded by their opponents? 

Political foes must just address these questions so- berly and the solution will be found! 

There is absolutely no need to snort emotional out- bursts over an issue which can be resolved without fur- ther exacerbating the volatile situation. 

They must simply tame their cadres quietly. 

In any case, UPND and PF Members of Parliament meet regularly in the chamber and share the same facil- ities at Parliament Motel. 

They go to the same bar and restaurant; they eat and wine together at that level, hence the same spirit must filter down to the cadres at grassroot level. 

Leaders must not speak revenge, but they must speak reconciliation as even the Son of God, Jesus Christ, ex- punged the “an eye for an eye” approach. 

Politicians from all parties in Zambia must espouse an approach by Martin Luther King Jr, who contended that: “We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love.” 

There is no need to maim one another when leaders in higher echelon of competing parties are dining and wining together. 

Youths in particular must open their eyes as some politicians are taking advantage of their vulnerability to coerce them into violent 


Some cunning politicians want to have their way at all costs and one of their strategies is to use vulnerable youths in their covert acts. 

Therefore, youths must be wary of politicians, who are deceitfully trying to play smart and promising alms. 

Such politicians are merely professing fake goodwill; they are demagogues!


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