
Mufumbwe chief counsels teachers

PARENTS and teachers must ensure that Covid-19 preventive measures are strictly followed in schools, Chief Kizela of Mufumbwe has said.
The traditional leader said in an interview that schools must maintain high standards of hygiene as well as seeing to it that water buckets and soap were in strategic places.
Chief Kizela said screening services should be available in schools in order to quickly isolate any pupil found positive.
“I am calling on all parents and teachers to ensure that all preventive measures that have been put in place are followed so that we avoid the spread of Covid19,” he said.
Chief Kizela said the fight against the pandemic should not be left to Government alone but that it needed concerted efforts from all stakeholders.
He called on Government to quickly carry out orientation for teachers and that all the people needed to adjust to the new normal and strictly adhere to the preventive measures.
“This is key because teachers need to know the dos and don’ts,” he added.


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