Headline NewsLetters


Dear editor, I might have less privileged information since I was a little boy by then when we were ruled by super Ken, but the stories abound everywhere and it is written in many documents that have spoken out on many things about Dr. Kaunda. Of course, KK may not be the likings to many during his rule as he was on one sides of the coin known as super human in some of the socialist concepts that he had embraced in his economic blueprints right in his national fabric systems of rulership.

One of the many successful stories that we have heard from time to time and time again, is that his regime educated many Zambians right from grade one to tertiary levels locally and abroad which has been regarded as both remarkable and unbeatable record ever seen to have recorded in the national walls of this particular country. KK built schools, managed corporations and run the local economy with resources tapped from our domestic GDP and built infrastructures which today are still truly standing strong as a great testimony to his dear dedication as a patriotic agent of socio-economic development. Today, we celebrate this outstanding personality and humanistic icon’s birthday which falls each year on the 28th of April, KK deserves to have an iconic structure as a way of remembering this important national figure especially where we really need to draw great inspirations and foster a deep sense of memorabilia about his passionate fight for mother Zambia, it will be illogical to erect any structure after he is already gone. KELVIN CHISANGA


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