
Dysfunctional Zesco in ICU

Dear Editor,

ALL signs are there for anyone to see that our Zesco is in a coma and anything can happen.                      To offer Zambians three hours of power daily is as good as nothing.  With the impending unavoidable total shut down of our Kariba North Bank power station, the nation can only expect the worst.

This will be the first time Zambians will completely go without electricity since the attainment of our independence in 1964.                         

Now, where are all those UPND “Smart Alecs” who bragged day and night they would end load-shedding in Zambia for good? Gone with the wind I presume.          

They now have been in power for three years and Zambians are being told stories they never heard in the Bible to confirm they told us blue lies – as usual.             

But with our incorruptible time, it has now come to pass that those UPND leaders who shouted that they had brains to end load-shedding were just blowing hot air. Ha ha ha.                

Unfortunately, the current power situation has killed our cottage industry, the engine of our economy.  Already where I live, about 10 kilometres east of KKIA small bakeries have shut down because they cannot afford industrial generators selling at anything from K75, 000 each.              

Any nation which thinks it can develop without SMEs, is cheating itself because the opposite is the naked truth.              

For me, our ruling UPND did not and do not have any workable plans whatsoever to end load-shedding, that they told lies to win the 2021 elections at all cost.                           

But as usual, time has caught up with UPND and exposed the political party as a huge non-performer.           

As for Zesco, all I say is Bon Voyage, we shall truly miss you. 



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