Stop policy inconsistencies, UPND govt told Govt spokesperson says there are no plans to sell Zesco
GOVERNMENT lacks policy consistency on a number of matters of national impor- tance which has resulted in the people of Zambia to lose confidence in their gov- ernance style, Green Party (GP) leader Peter Sinkamba has said.
Commenting on govern- ment revelation that it will not sell Zesco, Mr Sinkamba said while his party welcomes the decision taken by the UPND administration on the state power utility company, the country is yet to see if the same government will not u-turn on the issue.
“The problem in UPND gov- ernment is that every jimmy and jack can issue a policy statement and the following day, another Minister stands up to give a contrary view on the same issue,” he said.
Mr Sinkamba observed that the UPND government has made a lot of statements on the future of Zesco and therefore it has now become very difficult to predict ex- actly what will happen to the state owned power utility.
He also said the UPND gov- ernment should remember that they are no longer in op- position and start giving con- fidence to the citizens by be- ing consistent in their policy statements, if the country is to move in the right direction.
Meanwhile, Government says it has noted with con- cern the misinformation and
falsehoods being peddled by the opposition Patriotic Front on several issues regarding the economy in general and on strategic national assets in particular.
Minister of Information and Media, Chushi Kasanda who is also chief government spokesperson said in a state- ment that while the UPND Government is open to the opposition providing checks and balances, they should do so with facts. She said with regards to Zesco, there are no plans to sell the power utility company but instead there are plans to restructure it to improve operations and in- creasing efficiency.