Funding constraints stall FTJ University

CONSTRUCTION of FTJ University in Luapula Province has stalled due to lack of funds, Higher Education Minister Brian Mushimba has said.
Dr Mushimba said the project to construct the first ever-University in Luapula Province was currently at five per cent completion.
He said the contractor had since left the site and would be back when funds are available.
He said the university project stalled after government decided to suspend construction projects that were below 80 per cent completion.
“At the moment there is no construction at FTJ University and there is no contractor at the moment,” he said.
Dr Mushimba said the suspension of some projects including FTJ University was part of government debt management plan.
“Remember government has slowed down on the projects because we are managing debts and FTJ University is one of the project that has been suspended because it is below 80 per cent completion,” Dr Mushimba said.
Dr Mushimba however said the construction works at FTJ University would resume as soon as funds are available.
“Government remained committed to ensuring that the university was completed as it will resume as soon as government manages its debt situation,” Dr Mushimba said.
Government has already paid it’s potion of the loan towards the construction of the University and the contractor will be told to mobilise as soon as government is ready to contract the debt,” the Minister said.