- Mr. Kampyongo said Government works with well-meaning foreign nationals as partners to bring development but will not tolerate those with bad intentions.
AN opposition party has imported a team of foreign nationals to cause havoc in the country ahead of the 2021 general election.
And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has ordered the alleged foreign mercenaries to leave the country immediately.
Mr. Kampyongo says security authorities will have no choice but to hound out the foreign mercenaries if they fail to heed his directive to leave the country.
Mr. Kampyongo said Government works with well-meaning foreign nationals as partners to bring development but will not tolerate those with bad intentions.
He said some opposition leaders still have a colonial mindset and cannot lead the country in the right direction.
Mr. Kampyongo also said those using propaganda and false statements to cause anarchy wOULD be visited by the law.
And Mr. Kampyongo has stated that he will not step down as Home Affairs Minister because he was appointed to serve Zambians and not opposition politicians. He said his Ministry is mandated to maintain internal security and will not allow anyone to risk the lives of Zambians.-