- Women for Change Executive Director, Lumba Siyanga, said women were able to deliver and push the development agenda of the country effectively
A NON-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has challenged all political parties that will contest this year’s general elections to consider adopting as many women as possible to stand on various positions.
Women for Change Executive Director, Lumba Siyanga, said women were able to deliver and push the development agenda of the country effectively.
Ms Siyanga said any country that leaves out women in key leadership positions cannot develop.
She added that those that want to stand as candidates on various levels this year should start getting on the ground and make their intentions known..
Women, she said, should get busy and known and demonstrate that they were able to represent the people in a proper manner.
Ms Siyanga observed that most women were in a habit of giving up when not adopted, a situation she said should by all means be discouraged.
She explains that there was no need for one to belong to a political party for them to be adopted, stating that they could even stand as independent.
Ms Siyanga urged the citizens to encourage and vote for women that they feel would work for them and represent them well.