Local News

L/stone roads washed away


THE continued heavy rains being experienced in Livingstone have caused havoc to road links in townships.

Some roads have been washed away in rural areas such as Kasiya and Simonga, while roads in urban areas have suffered the same fate.

Residential areas such as Dambwa North Extension and Highlands are the most affected areas as some roads have been washed away.

A number of key roads have been damaged as a result of heavy rains, making them impassable.

In an interview yesterday, a Dambwa North resident, Mr Lawrence Muleka blamed the washed away roads on the local authority.

Mr Muleka said that the design of the roads in Dambwa North was very bad as there are no drainages.

He said that whenever there was a heavy downpour, water would have nowhere to flow due to lack of drainages.

Mr Muleka said during heavy downpour the water only flows out in branch off roads from the main Botswana Road.


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