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A LOCAL firm, Koyebless Farms, based in Eastern Province has invested more than K500, 000 in the egg production and plans to expand its capacity 100 trays per day. Currently the company was raising 1,200 chickens for egg production at its residential area in Eastern Province, Koyebless Farms chief executive officer Rhoda Banda said.

In an interview in Lusaka recently, Ms Banda explained that most of the eggs consumed in the province are from Lusaka and Malawi. “We are currently keeping our hens at the residential plot and intend to move at our farm once the constructions are completed,” Ms Banda said.

She said plans were underway to increase the production by moving to the farm so as to accommodate more birds. “We are currently producing 40 trays per day and will increase to 100 trays per day once we move to the farm,” Ms Banda said.

She said the firm had created seven permanent jobs stating that when there was more work that needs to be done, it engages part time workers.

Ms Banda also said the company plans to divert in to fish production as a way of growing too he business. She indicated that once all the amenities are implemented at the farm, its operation would be moved from the residential area.


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