Headline News

We have let former President Chiluba down – Bishop Mambo

... as Veep Nalumango calls for unity of purpose


THE country is not living up to expectations of Zambia as Christian nation and have not met the expectations of late republican President Fredrick Jacob Titus Chiluba, Bishop Mambo has said.

Bishop Mambo said that the decision by Zambia’s second republican president to declare Zambia as a Christian nation was meant for Zambians to run the affairs in the fear of God.

And Vice-President Mutale Nalumango has urged Zambians to observe the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation in all the provinces because the day has remained a symbol of unity to the country.

She said that it was prudent for Zambians to take time to thank God regardless of their political and religious affiliation.

“My call is for Zambians to ensure that they observe this day which is critical because it has united us as a nation,” she said.

And Bishop Mambo said that the problem was that most Christians were hypocrites and there was need the country’s leadership to respect the declaration of the country a Christian nation.

Bishop Mambo said that most of the clergy were compromised and that they had commercialized the word of God because of the loved the money which had compromised the Christian faith.

He said that it impossible for the country to uphold the Christian nation tab if the Church was compromised and that it was only prudent that the clergy introspected.

He said President Chiluba meant well when he declared Zambia as a Christian nation but that the nation had not risen to the occasion to uphold the declaration.


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