Stop arrests for marijuana cultivation

GOVERNMENT should stop arresting farmers cultivating marijuana and instead speed up the process for its legalization, Small Scale Farmers Development Agency (SAFADA) has said.
SAFADA executive director Boyd Moobwe said if the cultivation of marijuana was implemented, the arresting of farmers should be avoided.
“SAFADA is expressing displeasure on the latest arrest of three small scale farmers in Luapula province as unfair. Government has being debating to legalize marijuana plantation in the country based on its medicinal properties and other economical values but it is not clear as to what government resolved on the matter,” Mr Moobwe said.
Mr Moobwe has said government must show seriousness in legalising the cultivation of marijuana as the delay being witnessed is denying the country of the much needed revenue.
He wondered why government was taking long to actualise the implementation of marijuana cultivation policy.
Mr Moobwe said government needed to be practical on national issues if the economy was to quickly be revived.
He said in an interview that mere rhetoric and lack of seriousness would continue pushing Zambians into extreme poverty.
When government approved the legalisation for marijuana cultivation, Mr Moobwesaid, Zambians were hopeful that implementation would be instant.