Tue, 05 Sep 2017 13:44:18 +0000

By Kalobwe Bwalya in Siavonga

LOW levels of knowledge on sexual and reproductive  health as well as use of correct contraceptive methods are the major contribution to the high number of teenage pregnancies in Zambia,  SAFAIDS country representative Crispin Chomba has said.

Mr Chomba said according to the statistics for adolescents in Zambia about 28 percent of teenage pregnancies was due to lack of condom use, while sexual violence was estimated at 40 percent  among the school going adolescent girls.

Speaking during the Public Social Accountability Monitor fundamental  of social accountability monitoring national workshop for a consortium of civil society organisations in Siavonga, Mr Chomba said Zambia’s demographic and Health surveys revealed a high prevalence of sexual transmitted infections(STI) including HIV and AIDS, in the age group of 15 to 24, stating that about 12 percent of girls and 16ercent of boys experienced  sexual intercourse  before the age of 15.

He said Zambia has the highest adolescents birth rate in sub – Sahara Africa and adolescent rate in Zambia stands at 146 births per 1, 000 women aged 15 to 19 years, as indicated by 2010 census of population and  housing.

“There is need to introduce sexual modalities among young people, if HIV and other sexual infections will be fought in the country.

“Another concern is that low condom use on both sexes is a challenge especially female condom were not being utilised, hence the increase in pregnancies and infections,” said Mr Chomba.

And Mr Chomba said, socio-economic cultural beliefs and customs, especially in chiefdoms across Africa was still a challenge which needed to be addressed by both the government  as well as stakeholders.

He however said poverty, unproductive environment and alcohol abuse has contributed  to early sexual experiences and early marriages.


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