State reaffirms mukula logs export ban
Wed, 03 Jan 2018 14:10:07 +0000
GOVERENMNT will not issue any export permit for the mukula logs because the ban is still in force, acting chief Government spokesperson Stephen Kampyongo has said.
Mr Kampyongo said the Forestry department would issue forest produce conveyance permits to facilitate movement of mukula timber but no new production permits would be issued to harvest mukula trees.
Speaking during the joint press briefing at the Ministry of Defence in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Kampyongo, however, said the ministry of Lands and Natural Resources had allowed concession licence holders to move mukula logs that were legally harvested before the ban.
Mr Kampyongo said Government had only allowed concession licence holders who had paid to harvest the mukula tress before the ban and those who wished to transport mukula logs beyond 100km.
Mr Kampyongo denied allegations that the 21 trucks that were intercepted on Friday at Shimabala in Chilanga carrying mukula logs belonged to some senior Government officials.
He said Zambia Forest and Forestry Industry Corporation (ZAFFICO) was issued with three export permits numbers 175/ 2017, 178/2017 and 182/2017 by the Ministry of Lands for the 21 trucks.
He said Statutory Instrument No.94 of 2015 grants the right to the director at the Ministry of Lands to issue permits to anyone who follows the right procedures.
Mr Kampyongo, who is Home Affairs Minister, said youths who were arrested after intercepting 21 trucks transporting Mukula logs will be treated as criminals and the law will take its course.
“The 21 trucks which are at the centre of discussion were unlawfully intercepted at Shimabala by alleged PF and UPND cadres and these trucks were carrying logs that were illegally harvested and were confiscated and forfeited to the state.
“The state handed over the logs to ZAFFICO to export them on behalf of Government and it is unfortunate that the trucks were intercepted on suspicion that they were carrying mukula logs belonging to senior Government officials,” said Mr Kampyongo.
And Mr Kampyongo said Government will soon deploy the defence and security wing to North-Western and Western Provinces to help curb the illegal harvesting of mukula tree which was on the increase.