Local News


 Dear Editor,

I THINK in the coming future there is a great needy to change the way handing over of Presidential Powers is done in this country.

The current one is just a very humiliating one. A President walks in and he is booed which is an act of humiliation, then he watches all activities going on as a common man. Within seconds, he is dropped from being a President to a common man.

The President had followers and millions of them, and yet he gets in to hand over power alone, to someone with thousands of followers. We are supposed to be celebrating their exit just like we did with their entrance.

Something should be done in the way we do things. I have watched many inauguration ceremonies of Presidents and ours needs to bbe changed. I remember even in 2011 it was humiliating for President Rupiah Banda…

Otherwise Ama President Bakulaficitilamofye after all they will know what’ lies ahead of them.



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