Headline NewsOPINIONS


There seems to be an increase in the number of traffic accidents and more lives being lost as we draw
closer to the festive season.
A week does not pass without some lives being lost on the road. This week starts with the loss of six
lives while the previous week saw three lives lost on the Kapiri – Ndola road and more on the Great
North Road from the Mkushi area.
The reasons for this increase in road carnage are many, but whatever the case, it is important for
government to take note and do something to halt this trend.
Today, we carry a story of six people dying while 10 others survived with injuries in a road traffic
accident involving a Higer Bus they were traveling in from Kasumbalesa to Lusaka.

Police Deputy Police Public Relations Officer Danny Mwale said initial investigations indicate that the
accident happened when the driver of the Higer bus registration number ALZ 3677, belonging to ABYKEN
Bus Services of Chingola, identified as Chris Hamuka of Matero township in Lusaka, driving from
Kasumbalesa to Lusaka with 49 passengers on board, hit into a Scania Tipper Truck registration number
BCB 2289 which was parked on the left side of the road.
It is imperative that the Road Safety and Transport Agency (RTSA) and the National Road Transport
Fund (NRTF) in conjunction with the parent ministry, look into the accidents to find a solution.
As we get closer to the seasonal festivities, there is always excitement and drivers get got in the
moment and forget to pay attention to the road.
Before more lives are lost, government needs to admit that some of the public roads being used by
buses, should be closed and diversions made. In some cases, this is now a must and not something to
waste time debating.
Motorists using the Copperbelt route from Kapiri Mposhi, will attest to the deplorable condition in
which that road is. Some travelers have complained that the road looks like a rail track. As for the Great
North Road, it is equally a disaster waiting to happen. Between Mpika and Serenje there are stretches
where the tar has completely been removed and only trenches remain.
To make matters worse, with the onset of the rain season, the poor roads have become worse and near
Some of the money raised from toll gates should be used to repair these roads. The purpose of toll fees
is supposed to be raising money for repairing roads.
Indications are there that roads need to be repaired and therefore this must be done now.
It is time to stop the road carnage. Enough of talking.


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