Catering union jumps to Debonairs workers’ defence

THE Hotel, Catering, Tourism and Allied Workers Union of Zambia (HCTAWUZ) has assured Debonairs and Steers workers in Livingstone and Lusaka that their five-months’ salary arrears are being addressed.
HCTAWUZ president, Michelo Chizyuka, said the union had tabled with issue with Ministry of Labour and Social Security and management to resolve the matter without disadvantaging anyone.
Last week, some workers at Debonairs and Steers in Livingstone went on a sit-in protest, demanding payment of their five months’ salary arrears from their employer.
This prompted Labour and Social Security Permanent Secretary, Chanda Kaziya, to sound a warning that Government would not tolerate exploitation of workers.
Mr Chizyuka said in an interview with the Daily Nation that the matter was being addressed.
“Last week, we had a meeting in Lusaka over the matter where the company indicated that currently, it has no capacity to clear off the five months’ salary arrears at once because it is depending on the daily sales.
“What is happening is that workers from these points of sales are working hard to raise money to pay themselves and so far, some of them especially in Lusaka are doing well and are up to date,” he said.
Mr Chizyuka explained it was slightly difficult to deal with the matter on an account that some of the outlets like the Debonairs and Steers Choma and Mazabuka were franchise enterprises.
“We are of the view all the workers must be paid their salary arrears and next week we will be having a meeting with the employer to follow up on the progress made is dismantling the arrears,” Mr Chizyuka said.
He pleaded with the workers to remain calm as the issue was being addressed.