Solwezi bars, night clubs comply

IT is heartening that business owners in Solwezi have respected the Presidential directive to combat Covid-19, District Commissioner (DC) Rosemary Kamalonga has said.
Ms Kamalonga said bar, restaurant, gymnasium and casino owners had heeded the directive which was critical to safeguard lives.
She said in an interview yesterday that even when this could have a negative effect on their businesses, the owners were adhering to the health guidelines.
“All the bars, gyms and casinos are closed and restaurants are operating on take away basis as instructed by the Head of State,” Ms Kamalonga said. She also said the district administration had intensified patrols to ensure all people complied with the government directive.
She said a team of State police, Solwezi Municipal Council police and health official had been inspecting various facilities to ensure that social distancing was adhered to. “This most critical thing which the President talked about if we can really stop the spread of COVID 19,” Ms Kamalonga said.