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Eagle mealie meal Nshima made me sick, claims Munir


“THE first time I ate the Nshima prepared from the Zambia National Service (ZNS) Eagle mealie meal, I developed a severe running stomach that I had to have Flagyl administered to stablise my stomach upset,” Munir Zulu has complained.

And Mr Zulu, the Lumezi Member of Parliament says it is politically insane and strange that the UPND could be celebrating the queuing for the ZNS Eagle mealie meal by Zambians in a country that had enough maize which was carelessly raided and sold without thinking of the consequences.

Mr Zulu is now accusing Reuben Mtolo Phiri, the Agriculture Minister and Lieutenant General Maliti Solochi, the ZNS Commander of putting the health and lives of Zambians at risk by deliberately feeding citizens on mealie meal suspected to contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) CLICK HERE TO READMORE


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