Pupils at Chisale Day Secondary School in Katete have tested positive to covid-19.

NINETEEN pupils at Chisale Day Secondary School in Katete District, Eastern Province, have tested positive to covid-19.
Katete District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), Ruth Moyo, disclosed that out of the 19 who tested positive, 11 were boys and eight girls.
Ms Moyo said that a teacher from Tikondane Community School has also tested positive for covid-19 and that she has also been quarantined.
She was speaking during the district weekly covid-19 epidemic response meeting in Katete yesterday.
Ms Moyo said there was need to intensify sensitisation of pupils and communities on covid- 19 to stop the spread of the disease.
Meanwhile, the DEBS bemoaned the lack of adherence to public health guidelines among learners especially those in primary grades when they were outside the classroom environment.
“Learners are only observing the regulations while in class, but once they are out of classes, non-adherence starts,” she complained.
And the District Health Office (DHO) reported that eight bars and two night clubs were closed due to abrogation of the S.I 21 and 22 of 2020 that only allows the selling of beverages on a take-away basis
In addition, several community shebeens were closed for similar reasons.
Responding to the reports, Katete District Commissioner Joseph Makukula encouraged the Ministry of Health to ensure that the closed bars and nightclubs do not come up with other means of selling alcohol.
Mr Makukula said the public was safer if such clubs that were abrogating the S.I were closed as they were a conduit of rapid transmission of the virus.
He also encouraged the public to seek timely medical assistance whenever they felt unwell or experiencing symptoms that are associated with the COVID 19.