I won’t allow PF to be destroyed, says Lungu
Mon, 19 Dec 2016 08:39:13 +0000
NO ONE individual will be allowed to break and destroy the Patriotic Front (PF) and party members should not allow themselves to be misled by some disgruntled people who think they are more important than others, President Edgar Lungu has said.
And President Lungu has said State House will re-construct the shelter at Chisokone market in Kitwe which collapsed on Saturday so that marketeers could continue to trade.
Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe said it was the desire of President Lungu to see that the PF grows stronger and more attractive and he was not going to allow individuals who were attempting to break the party by claiming ownership of the governing party.
Mr Sikazwe said this when he addressed the PF district leadership in Kitwe yesterday.
Mr Sikazwe said PF members on the Copperbelt and Kitwe in particular should not allow themselves to be misled by individuals who wanted to use them to fight personal battles.
He said President Lungu would not take kindly to party members who would allow themselves to be misled by some individuals who thought they had the monopoly of wisdom, warning that such members would end up regretting after being used and dumped.
“I know that there are people who are coming here telling you that ‘look, you have been left out on employment and they are bringing in MMD members’. Those people just want to mislead you. They have their own personal battles to fight and want to use you to help them fight their battles.
‘‘I am telling you, no one individual can break the PF and if you allow yourselves to be misled by some of these people who think they have the monopoly of wisdom you will regret. You will even lose what you were supposed to benefit. Let us work in unity and you will see what you will achieve,” Mr Sikazwe said.
Mr Sikazwe was accompanied by Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo, Copperbelt PF provincial chairman Stephen Kainga, PF Copperbelt provincial secretary Binwell Mpundu, Kitwe district PF secretary Chileshe Bweupe and Kitwe district commissioner Chanda Kabwe.
And Mr Sikazwe has said State House would rehabilitate the shelter at Chisokone market in Kitwe which collapsed on Saturday so that marketeers could continue to trade.
He told the Association of Vendors and Marketeers (AVEMA) president Able Chikwa to send the bill of quantities to State House quickly so that work could start on the shelter.
“After receiving news about the collapsed shelter at Chisikone market, we thought we should come and see the damage so that we could work on rebuilding the collapsed shelter. I can assure you that State House will make sure that this shelter is rebuilt so that you start conducting business in the shelter especially that it is the rainy season,” Mr Sikazwe said.
And Mr Chikwa said he was grateful that Government had come to the aid of the marketeers.