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SENIOR Chief Sailunga of the Lunda people in Mwinilunga district of Northwestern Province has called on government to quickly resolve any issues surrounding the development of Kabompo hydro power station in his chiefdom.

Senior Chief Sailunga said Copperbelt Energy Cooperation (CEC) has made significant progress on the project and should be allowed to continue developing the power station for the benefit of the nation.

He made the call when Provincial Minister, Robert Lihefu and Deputy Permanent Secretary, Naomi Tetamashimba called on him at his palace.

The Traditional Leader complained that failure by government to give final consent to CEC and titles, people earmarked for displacement cannot build their houses.

“People cannot build houses because titles have not been given,” he said.

Senior Chief Sailunga expressed happiness with the Cooperate Social Responsibility activities CEC has been doing in his chiefdom such as purchase of an ambulance for Kanyikezhi health post.

Meanwhile the Traditional Leader has called for the exploitation and marketing of tourism cites in his chiefdom which he said have the potential to attract foreign exchange.

“My chiefdom has plenty of things that can be designated for tourism,” Senior Chief Sailunga said.

He cited the Nyambwezu falls, several natural rock tunnels, and the 70 meters high Nyawunda rocks among other sites.

In response the Provincial Minister said the Kabompo hydro power station matter is receiving attention by from the relevant ministry and promised to engage the tourism minister over the need to explore the tourism potential in the chiefdom. – ZANIS


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