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Adhere to health guidelines, says North-West PF

OPERATORS of bars, casinos, night clubs and gymnasiums must adhere to the Presidential directive of closing their facilities in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19), North-Western Province Patriotic Front (PF) has advised.
PF provincial chairperson, Jackson Kungo, said certain places had been identified as some of the potential areas where the pandemic could easily spread, hence the need to adhere to health guidelines.
He said move was not meant to kill business but to prevent the spread of the pandemic, which was sweeping across the globe.
Mr Kungo said the pandemic could ravage the country if the directives were not followed, hence the need to adhere to the Presidential directives. “The situation is critical and that is why the Head of State has declared war against the pandemic. It is therefore important that our colleagues in those business categories follow the directives,” he said.
He also called on patrons to also comply with the directive by staying away from drinking places as a way of preventing the spread of the pandemic. “These are serious measures that will ensure the battle against Covid19 is won. And for this, we commend His Excellence President Edgar Chagwa Lungu,” he said.


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