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Chief Sikufele counsels subjects on polio

SENIOR chief Sikufele of the Mbunda in Manyinga district has implored his subjects to take health services seriously.
The traditional leader noted that health care services especially one that borders on the health children should be taken seriously for the country to have a healthy and productive society.
He said he would not tolerate parents who kept their children away from vaccinations meant to protect the health of the young ones.
The traditional leader was speaking during the launch of the polio vaccination programme at his palace.
Polio is an infectious viral disease which affects the nervous system and leads to paralysis and has no immediate cure, hence early immunization is the only prevention.
“Let us therefore ensure that we take care of our children by ensuring that they are subjected to every vaccine they are supposed to,” he said.
Chief Sikufele further implored parents and guardians to ensure all their children under the age of five were vaccinated against polio.
The traditional leader also took time to urge his subjects to keep their villages clean and avoid practices that could lead to the spread of COVID-19.
He told the gathering that people should take precaution measures as advised by health authorities if the spread of the pandemic was to be avoided.
And North western province Permanent Secretary, Willies Mangimela, stated that Government attached great importance to the provision of quality health care services.
Mr Mangimela said Government envisaged to provide quality health care services to its people as enshrined in the vision 2030 and the Seventh National Development Plan.
“To achieve the vision, Government is working with cooperating partners such as the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund, World Vision and USAID among others in ensuring that people are productive and healthy, especially children,” he said.
Mr Mangimela also implored people to accommodate health workers who were administering mobile door to door vaccination.


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