HealthLocal News

Luanshya mine joins Covid-19 fight

CHINA Non-Ferrous Metal Company Luanshya Copper Mines (CLM) has donated medical tools worth K45,000 to Luanshya Municipal Council to support Government’s efforts towards combating the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
CLM head of public relations and business development, Sydney Chileya, who presented the donation said his company was treating the prevention of Covid-19 as an emergency.
Mr Chileya said CLM, being the largest private sector employer in Luanshya with 3, 000 miners, was determined to work with thecouncil and other stakeholders to prevent the spread of the pandemic in the mining town.
He said the donation included two hand held gun thermometers which were used by medical personnel to detect one’s temperature from a distance.
“This donation comes after the consultative meeting which we held with Luanshya Mayor, Nathan Chanda, with key stakeholders this week,” Mr Chileya said.
And receiving the donation, Mr Chanda thanked CLM for responding to the calls to support efforts of Government in preventing the spread of Covid-19.
He said the crusade against the spread of coronavirus should not be seen to be championed by the council and the district administration alone but all residents and stakeholders should be involved.
Mr Chanda urged residents to observe high levels of hygiene and keep surroundings clean as a way of preventing the spread of the coronavirus.
And district medical director, John Kamalamba, said the donation would go a long way in screening the travelling public for Covid-19.
Dr Kamalamba appealed to the public to report to health authorities any individual experiencing high body temperature, which is one of the main symptoms of coronavirus infection.
He also said that once all the necessary measures had been put in place, Coronavirus screening centres would be created at the town’s entry points.


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