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Don’t lose focus – Mubukwanu

AS the country battles with the coronavirus (COVID-19), stakeholders should not lose focus of other health conditions such as HIV /AIDS, North-Western province minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu has advised.
Mr Mubukwanu said in as much as the COVID-19 pandemic had diverted the country’s attention from HIV/AIDS, there was need for the general public to remain conscious of the two public health issues.
He was speaking when he paid a courtesy on Chief Mulonga during his awareness programme in chiefdoms in Mushindamo district.
The minister noted with concern that once the citizens forgot about HIV/AIDS, there was a likelihood that the number of infections would increase in the period that the country was fighting coronavirus.
“While we are going to continue talking about Covid-19, let us not forget to sustain the gains we have made as a country in our quest to bring the HIV AIDS infection rate under control,” Mr Mubukwanu said.
Zambians, he said, had over the years learned to live with the HIV/AIDS virus, but advised the general public to be extra cautious and take precautionary measures against coronavirus.
Mr Mubukwanu urged the traditional leader to educate people on Covid-19 preventive measures by adhering to the health guidelines and restrictions.
He said traditional leaders must correct the misconception that only people living in urban areas such as Lusaka were susceptible to getting the virus.
The minister challenged traditional leaders to take an active role in sensitizing their subjects on both the coronavirus and HIV/AIDS.
And Chief Mulonga commended Government for the initiative to educate traditional leaders on the corona virus.
He, however, noted that accessing masks would pose a challenge for many people in the rural community and called on Government to consider distributing face masks to the people.- ZANIS


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