Court News

Kaizer, 2 others ready to defend themselves in court

FORMER political advisor to the President Edgar Lungu, Kaizer Zulu and two others have indicated to the Lusaka High Court that they are ready to defend themselves in a court matter where three Lusaka surveyors and a driver have sued them for allegedly kidnapping and assaulting them.
Zulu , Mpangwe Kachingwe and Raffiq Rashid asked the court to order Bernard Nshindo, Sengelwayo Jere, Saul Masiko and Mason Mweemba who are the plaintiffs in the matter to serve them the amended writ of summons and statement of claim.
This is a matter in which Nshindo, Jere, Masikoti who are qualified surveyors and businessmen and Mason Mweemba, a driver, last year, sued Zulu and his two acquaintances Mpangwe and Rashid, for allegedly beating and kidnapping them on accusations that they were taking pictures Zulu’s speed boat at Chita Lodge, in Kafue.
Others sued are the Attorney General, Chita Lodge Limited and Bella Mwanza, an employee of the said lodge.
The four plaintiffs who among other reliefs are seeking damages for assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping, among other claims, stated in their statement of claim that Zulu in particular, fired several shots in the air while continuously assaulting them with his pistol and also pointing it to their heads with threats of killing them.
However, two of the accused defendants asked the court to set aside the originating process against them for being irregular.
Chita Lodge Limited and its employee, Mwanza, stated that the four plaintiffs had failed to disclose their physical, postal and electronic address in the suit and thus it would be difficult to trace them in case of any court order.
But according to an affidavit in opposition to summons for an order to set aside writ of summons for irregularity, the four plaintiffs asked the court to dismiss the application by the two stating that the said purported omission could be rectified by way of an amendment.
After amending the writ of summons, the four plaintiffs asked the court to enter judgment in default of non appearance and defense against Zulu, Mpangwe and Rashid.
They argued that Zulu and his co accused have not responded to the claims since the matter was taken to court last year resulting in them asking the court to enter judgment in default.
But in a notice to serve the amended writ of summons, Zulu and others yesterday stated that they intend to defend the action against them and demanded that the amended writ of summons and statement of claim be served on them .
Zulu and others stated that the documents should be served within 14 days of service of the notice or the plaintiffs should discontinue the action against them.


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