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Zambians troop into Tanzania for beer

SCORES of Nakonde residents are now trooping into neighbouring Tanzania to patronise bars and night clubs despite directives for citizens to stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
This follows the Presidential directive to close all bars, restaurants, gyms and other social places in the wake of the Coronavirus.
Nakonde Member of Parliament, Izukanji Siwanzi confirmed the development and said the residents risked importing the virus from Tanzania.
Mr Siwanzi said it was irresponsible for some people to continue crossing the border to patronise bars and night clubs in Tanzania knowing well that the neighbouring country had recorded a significant number of positive cases.
A total of 20 cases of coronavirus, one death and three recoveries had been reported in Tanzania as of Monday.
Mr Siwanzi said the behaviour of Nakonde residents was putting the lives of people in Nakonde and the entire nation at risk hence the need for perpetrators to stop.
“In Tanzania bars, night clubs and restaurants were operating normally so, what is happening now is that our people are crossing the border even at night to go and patronise Bars and restaurants,” Mr Siwanzi said.
Mr Siwanzi said it was unfortunate that some people had continued to trade people’s health with leisure by disregarding guidelines to avoid gatherings and observing social distance.
“The Nakonde border is an open border therefore it’s difficult for security personnel to see everyone going out or coming in therefore there is need for people to exercise outmost patriotism and responsibility,” Mr Siwanzi said.
And Nakonde district commissioner, Field Simwinga said health and security personnel deployed at the border were on high alert working in ensuring that all those crossing into the Zambia from Tanzania were screened.
Mr Simwinga said bar owners in Nakonde had complied with directives as guided by the Ministry of health to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
He said bars and gyms had remained closed following the presidential directive.


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