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Govt monitoring effects of Covid-19 on labour

GOVERNMENT says it will continue to review interventions to address the long term impact of the Coronavirus on labour and the economy.
Labour and Social Security Minister Joyce Simukoko says mitigating action which includes companies applying for exemptions will continue if the Covid-19 prolongs.
She was speaking in an interview with ZNBC in Lusaka yesterday, as the country marked Labour Day without public gatherings due to the ravaging the world.
Ms. Simukoko says the pandemic has, however, provided lessons which to explore other work.
She says the prevailing situation has also revealed fragility in the social protection system especially for workers and vulnerable people in the country.
Ms. Simukoko says there is need for additional safety emergency workers taking into account the risks associated with dealing with calamities such as the Covid-19.
The President, on Thursday, regretted that the Covid-19 pandemic has robbed both workers and employers an opportunity Labour Day by way of public gathering.
He however, assured the nation that Government will continue to act decisively to save jobs and enterprises to ensure continuity.
Meanwhile, the Livingstone Tourism appreciation workers in the tourism industry can get for assurance from employers of job security.Rodney Sikumba says it is understandable that the the hardest hit by the – ZNBC.


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