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LAZ being mischeivous

IT is a serious misconception and mischievous for Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) to suggest that Zambia has reached a dangerous stage because government could not allow demonstrations amidst Covid-19 preventive measures, Lusaka lawyer Hobday Kabwe has said.
Mr Kabwe said Zambia like other countries was grappling with the Coronavirus pandemic and enforcing measures by not allowing demonstrations to go ahead. It does not amount to suppression of freedom of expression or assembly.
Mr Kabwe said the right to life cannot be overtaken by freedom of expression.
He said it is not correct for LAZ to suggest that freedom of expression and assembly is the preserve of those aligned to the ruling party.
“Government has put in place measures to ensure that right to life is prioritised and enforcing those measures does not amount to suppression of right to assemble and freedom of expression,” Mr Kabwe said. Mr Kabwe said it was not right to exacerbate confusion and despondence in the country by inciting youths to protest all in the name of freedom of expression. He said it was the responsibility of government to ensure that right to life and other human rights are upheld and that issues raised for the planned protest cannot over take the right to life.
Mr Kabwe said measures put in place to prevent further spread of Covid-19 should not be mistaken for suppression of human rights.
He said it was important that citizens enjoy their rights and freedoms within the confines of the measures put in place to safeguard right to life.
And Mr Kabwe said it was unfortunate that LAZ has opted to take a partisan stance on issues of national interest.


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