
Sports Council polls on

OVER 50 national sports federations will today convene at National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) in Lusaka to elect the board vice chairman and other board members.
The elections which were approved by the ministry of Health will be monitored by Minister of Sports, Youth and Child Development Emmanuel Mulenga who is determined to ensure that the polls are conducted in a free and fair manner.
Mulenga said on Thursday that Government is determined to put the board in place so that it can do its work.
“We have a permit from the Ministry of Health and they have allowed us to go ahead with the elections for the sake of good governance. “I want the polls to be free and fair and transparent so I will be there to make sure that the counting is done, and the winners are announced then I will leave,” Mulenga said. And NSCZ General Secretary Raphael Mulenga said federation leaders are determined to participate in the elections to choose their representatives.
Mulenga said federations which haven’t been active have also registered to take part in the polls which will choose the remaining board members.
He is confident that the elections will be done in a free and fair manner as a new board entrusted with the development of sports in the country is elected.
The polls will see Badminton Association of Zambia president Kamatuwa Chirwa compete with former board member Charles Mwanza from the Zambia Golf Union and Nicole Sharp Phiri from the Zambia Swimming Union for the vice chairman’s position.
Meanwhile, seven candidates will be elected as board members from the 11 candidates who filed in their nominations for the vacant positions. The board, which is elected by both Government and the constituency comprising national federations was expected to be constituted before July. Last week, Sports Minister Mulenga announced the appointment of ZICTA director-general Patrick Mutimushi as NSCZ board chairperson.
Mulenga appointed Mutimushi, former Football Association of Zambia president Michael Chiti, Shaileni Desai, motorsport navigator Urshilla Gomes, Grace Kumwenda and Margaret Siachulu to be part of the board which awaits eight other board members to be elected today.


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