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LAZ chief tests positive to Covid-19


LAW Association of Zambia (LAZ) president, Abyudi Shonga has tested positive to Covid-19 but not exhibiting symptoms of the pandemic.

Mr Shonga has since urged everyone to scale up personal response to the virus and take active steps to guard against infection.

In a circular to the legal fraternity, Mr Shonga called on lawyers to speak out on Covid-19 to help raise aware- ness of the risk the pandemic presents to the entire nation as an integral part of the steps required to combat the virus.

“My fellow lawyers, follow- ing a Covid-19 test I took a few days ago, I wish to notify you that my results came back positive for Covid-19.

“It is critical for us to speak out on Covid-19,” he said.

Mr Shonga said promoting conversation about the pan- demic would compel those who employ fellow lawyers to enhance measures to pro- tect them as they go about the business of the practice of law.

He also said talking about it would persuade more people to take masking, social distancing and sanitising more seriously than they were taking it now.


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