Chief Mulilo warns against gold bribes

IT is illegal for traditional leaders to get bribes from foreigners coming to mine gold and the long arm of the law must catch up with such leaders, Chief Mulilo of Chama has warned.
Chief Mulilo said gold was for all Zambians and should not only benefit a few individuals.
This follows revelations that foreigners who have invaded gold sites in Zambia were paying royalties to some chiefs to legalise their activities.
Chief Mulilo said in as much as chiefs should benefit from natural resources in their chiefdoms it should not be at the expense of the entire nation.
He said Government had made it clear that new gold discoveries were for all Zambians and not just a section of society.
“Government has made it clear that gold should benefit Zambians and I do not see why some chiefs should get bribes at the expense of their subjects,” Chief Mulilo said.
He said bribes had potential to retard development in chiefdoms, therefore there was need for traditional leaders to be selfless and avoid illegal activities.
The traditional leader said revelations that some traditional leaders are getting bribes from foreigners to mine gold are disappointing. Chief Mulilo advised law enforcement agencies to take interest and investigate any illegal dealings in areas where gold has been discovered.