Local News

Arcades, Munali flyover bridges impressive – State House

SPECIAL Assistant to the President for Projects and Monitoring, Andrew Chellah is impressed with the works on the Munali and Arcades flyover bridges.

Mr Chellah indicated that the works which had been done by the contractor were tremendous.
He said yesterday when he toured the two construction sites that it was encouraging that quality works had been done within a short period by the contractor.
Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, Isaac Chipampe and Ministry of Local Government Permanent Secretary Ed Chomba accompanied Mr Chellah.
These have been constructed to bituminous standard, Mr Chellah said, and this is a plus because they will stand the test of time.
Mr Chellah said, “So these are very successful projects and we are hoping that from anytime soon they will be commissioned.
“From 1964 to 1991 Zambia had only two fly over bridges but within the space of two years the PF government has constructed about four.
And the other good part is that we are not just interested in flyover bridges but we are also putting up bigger roundabouts,” Mr Chellah said.
Meanwhile, Local Government Permanent Bishop Ed Chomba disclosed that Minister of Local Government Charles Banda had written to President Edgar Lungu to authorise the commissioning of Arcades and Munali flyover bridges as they were ready to be opened to road users.


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