AgricultureLocal News

Farmers’ FISP contributions overwhelming, says Wina

VICE-PRESIDENT Inonge Wina has disclosed that 99 percent of farmers have deposited their K400 contribution towards the Farmers Input Support Programme (FISP).

Ms Wina said 99 percent of farmers had deposited their contributions in order to access farming inputs for 2020/2021 agriculture season under FISP.
She said this yesterday in parliament.
“Mr Speaker the farmers on FISP that have contributed their K400 now stand at 99 percent and this goes to show that the farmers have accepted this gesture from government so that we produce the bumper harvest if rains are coming on well this farming season.
“So the farming inputs have gone out across the country and they are being distributed to farmers as of now,” she said.
She was responding to Independent Lumezi Member of Parliament, Pilila Jere, during the vice president question time who wanted an update on the distribution of farming inputs.
Ms Wina said: “Mr Speaker, I just returned from Eastern Province where I was informed by our farmers that this year Government has done a commendable job of distributing farming inputs on time before the onset of rains. This is a reality in all parts of the country.
Meanwhile, Ms Wina said the Ministry of Health would always advise on what point Covid-19 restrictions should be relaxed.
She said President Edgar Lungu would always relay on the Ministry of Health for more information.
“Zambia has not been speared by the Covid-19, so measures are adhered to, are measures being driven from the global knowledge to stop the pandemic,” she said.
The Vice-President was responding to Chimwemwe Independent MP Elias Mwila who wanted to know whether Ministry of Health has written to her officer the proposals to easy restrictions on operations of bars.


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