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Promote Peace, Lungu urges clergy

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has urged the clergy in Zambia to take a leading role in promoting peace in the country before, during and after the general elections next year.

President Lungu said the church must remind those threatening violence of the devastating consequences of their words and actions.
According to a statement by special assistant for press and public relations, Isaac Chipampe, the Head of State said this in Lusaka yesterday when he met with the United Church of Zambia synod Bishop Reverend Sydney Sichilima.
“Things won’t be good if we start hacking each other and saying there will be fire. If you as clergy you start giving audience to the people and they start saying such things, ask them what they mean,” President Lungu said.
Our role as Government, on the other hand, he said, is to ensure there is law and order in the country and acts like what happened in Muchinga Province where political cadres beat up innocent people this week will not be tolerated.
And President Lungu has implored people gathering tomorrow to observe the National Day of Prayer to observe the Covid-19 health guidelines.
He said it was important for citizens to attend the event to thank God for the many good things he has done for Zambia.
Meanwhile, Bishop Sichilima thanked the President for the meeting and that the church was praying for him because out of the 18 million Zambians, God chose him to lead the nation.
And UCZ General Secretary, Reverend Chipasha Mushaba hailed the 2020/2021 national budget saying it was aimed at uplifting the living standards of the poor Zambians.
“The increase of expenditure on public services is an assurance that your Government wants to better the lives of the people,” Rev Mushaba told President Lungu.
He added, “The budget is proactive and responds to the plight of the poor by catering for their well-being.”


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