Covid centre set up at Maina Soko, as 206 patients on oxygen

Government has set up another treatment centre at Maina Soko Military Hospital in Lusaka as the second wave of the pandemic took its toll leaving 206 patients on oxygen.
More than 200 covid-19 patients are on oxygen therapy in various health facilities while nine have died in the last 24 hours.
Health Minister Jonas Chanda, said yesterday that 206 patients were on oxygen, 16 of them in a critical condition, while 1,531 new cases were recorded from 8,748 tests.
“Maina Soko military hospital will admit moderate to less critical patients. The ministry has seconded staff to work with the existing staff at the hospital.
“We also have the Zambia Air Force and the Ministry of Health supporting this strategy and this new development brings hope to improved clinical management as we decongest the Levy Mwanawasa and the UTH isolation centres,” Dr Chanda said.
The Minister said the increasing Covid-19 cases in the country were characterised by increased transmitability and severe disease, requiring hospitalisation and oxygen therapy.
He, therefore, said Government was putting in place measures to ensure adequate space, equipment and staff to work with the existing staff at the hospital.
Dr Chanda however reiterated Government’s multi-sectoral enforcement of public health guidelines and encouraged the use of additional local home-based remedies to manage the less severe and non-symptomatic patients at home.
He called on citizens to participate in ensuring success while Government implemented policies and programmes to support health and economic recovery of the country.
The cumulative number of Covid-19 cases now stands at 37, 605, with recoveries at 26, 159 while total number of deaths stands at 546.