Local News

Govt secures us$6m for Nakonde water project

By Stanslous Ngosa

Government has secured US$6 million for the improvement of water and sanitation infrastructure in Nakonde District, Muchinga Province.

Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, Raphael Nakacinda, says the contractor, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, who has since moved on site, has been advanced US$3.8 million.

Mr. Nakacinda said this yesterday when he paid a courtesy call on Chieftainess Waitwika of the Namwanga speaking of Nakonde District.

“All this investment by President Edgar Lungu is in line with the agenda 2030 of ensuring access to safe and clean water,” Mr Nakacinda said.

Mr. Nakacinda notes that the project which is to be completed in February next year is expected to benefit over 140, 000 residents.

The Minister has further directed water engineers to rehabilitate the four boreholes in the Chiefdom with immediate effect while waiting for the drilling of 38 new ones.

Chieftainess Waitwika has thanked President Lungu for his dedication to ensure that the water blues in Nakonde are averted.

The traditional leader also thanked Government for early distribution of farming inputs to the area.

Mr. Nakacinda later inspected water infrastructure in the district and expressed confidence that people’s living standards will significantly improve once the water and sanitation project is completed.

One of the components of the project is to see to it that water is purified.

Residents of Nakonde have been complaining of coloured water coming from their taps but this project will ensure this comes to an end in few months.  

The Minister who is in Muchinga Province checking on developmental projects under his Ministry is being accompanied by Chambeshi Water Supply and Sanitation Company.


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