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Arrest Bowman Lusambo, Mushimba, PF tells police


THE Police should not hesitate to arrest Bowman Lusambo and Brian Mushimba if they abrogate the Covid-19 guidelines again because no one is above the law, the Patriotic Front (PF) has said.

PF deputy Secretary General, Mumbi Phiri, has also challenged the Police to apprehend any party member using illegal number plates such as ‘ECL 2021’ as doing so was against the law.

Ms Phiri, at a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday said the party was dismayed by Mr Lusambo, who is Kabushi MP and his Kankoyo counterpart, Dr Mushimba, for pulling huge crowds during presentation of their applications for re-adoption, disregarding Covid-19 guidelines.

Ms Phiri described the conduct of the two PF MPs as irresponsible considering that they went against social distancing and other health measures.

She challenged the police that just like they beat up PF members at the Magistrate Court in Lusaka last year, not to spare Mr Lusambo, Dr Mushimba or anyone else who would break the law.

 Meanwhile, Ms Phiri has urged the police to apprehend anybody using illegal number plates regardless of political affiliations.

“Parliament have already ruled on the floor of the House that using illegal number plates such as ECL 2021, CK or HH is not allowed,” she said.

When contacted for a comment, Dr Mushimba said he could not say anything as he was not formally communicated to by the PF secretariat, but reiterated that Covid-19 was deadly and appealed to the public to adhere to all the health guidelines.


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