Church should speak out on national issues
Mon, 05 Dec 2016 08:56:35 +0000
By Aaron Chiyanzo
THE Church should not be silent on national issues because they play a vital role in providing checks and balances on Government, United National Independence Party (UNIP) deputy secretary general Alfred Banda has said. In an interview with the Daily Nation, Rev. Banda called on the church to speak out on issues of national concern and that they should provide Government with checks and balances. He pointed out that it was a good thing for church organisations to provide guidance to the nation and that political players should not feel intimidated. Rev. Banda noted that some sectors of the society felt uncomfortable when the church raised a voice on certain issues. He explained that the church understood the needs of the people in communities and that they represented the voices of many. Rev. Banda said that there could be no meaningful development in the country if the church was left out. “The Church should not be silent on national issues. They play a vital role in providing checks and balances to Government. It is a good thing for church organisations to provide guidance to the nation, so political players should not feel intimidated. There is nothing wrong with them participating in politics,” he said. Rev. Banda pointed out that a complete gospel required the church to be concerned and monitor the social justice of people in the community and help Government to realise its responsibility. And Rev. Banda also said that the church could not be divorced from politics and that they had the right to comment on political issues. He, however, reiterated that the church should endeavour to provide social services in communities in which they operate. Rev. Banda emphasised that the church in Zambia should even be more concerned about the political arena in the country than they were. He urged political players to be in consultation with the church on issues of national concern to ensure that the interest of the general public was prioritised. Rev. Banda said that the church should keep political leaders in check and provide social services to people.