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Be innovative, Syakalima tips public universities

EDUCATION Minister Douglas Syakalima has challenged public universities to come up with initiatives that can help them manage their institutions other than depending much on government funding.

Mr Syakalima said public universities must emulate what Mulungushi University is doing.

He was speaking when he launched the newly constructed infrastructure at the Mulungushi University School of Medicine and Health Science for the Livingstone Campus using the self-generated funds by the institution.

He said that public universities should not always be complaining and waiting for Government to find solutions to their challenges.

Mr Syakalima said that with the new infrastructure for the school of medicine in place, he expressed confidence that the dream of making Mulungushi University a preferred destination for students from sub region will soon be realised.

Mr Syakalima said before the new infrastructure was built and now commissioned, the school was paying up to K237, 600 annualy as rent for classroom space.

Speaking at the same event, acting Mulungushi University Vice Chancellor Kawunga Nyirenda disclosed that the launched infrastructure comprising four classroom, one library and one multipurpose laboratory has been built within eight months at a cost of K17.9 million.


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