Civil servants advancing corruption talk
Sat, 14 Oct 2017 11:17:47 +0000
Dear Editor,
The much talked about corruption by some stakeholders could not actually be there in PF Government but some civil servants have helped the whistle blowers on the subject matter.
I say so because I know of some local SMEs who are still chasing to be paid their money by government more than two years down the line after completion of their various contracted works.
The PF government may not be corrupt but because of some of the civil servants who have decided to sit on suffering Zambians’ payments, the talk will not easily die.
It is for this reason that government should take an introspection of various payment departments to see who has not been paid and why, to bring the rot to the end.
Yet daily, the respective Ministries are on record for receiving some funding from the treasury, yet these contractors are wondering why they are not being considered for payment if not because of corruption by the pay masters.
So, who is not doing his/her job that has brought government into disrepute, left, right and centre by these opportunists?
Surely there could be some rotten eggs in the basket that need urgent sieving and the time is now.
Concerned Citizen.