Kampyongo, Kanganja watch your dying police service
Thu, 28 Sep 2017 13:05:09 +0000
Dear Editor,
SO far the gross misconduct exhibited by our police service in their execution of duty can be best described as a bizarre disaster.
That such men and women in uniform indeed pass through a college to learn the ropes of their trade is simply a make-believe affair and mind-boggling.
Their professional tattiness of course is even more pronounced in their famous road blocks which serve no purpose except to enrich individual officers through corruption.
The records are all there to prove that our police service is the most corrupt entity in the nation, save now for their slapdash performance.
Take the issue of riots on the Copperbelt where an innocent boy lost his life due to their sheer unprofessional conduct, it is simply shocking.
They acted in a most unprofessional manner with overblown overzealousness. They will be the death of many of us if they carry on in that fashion.
Presently, our courts are full of scandals emanating from ceaseless nolles and acquittals due to shoddy police investigations which leave no option to the Director of Public Prosecutions but to set free the offenders much to the chagrin of the victims.
This life cannot be allowed to go on and bucks truly stop at the minister of Home Affairs Mr Stephen Kampyongo and his IG Kanganja.
If these two men do not sit down to correct the rubbish in our police, it is obvious that the worst is yet to come.
In summary, I can simply say that Zambia has no police to write home about.
It has people in uniform with horrible agendas in their heads because they are not up to it.
Something has terribly gone awry in our police service today and the possibility of the involvement of the powerful cartel cannot be ruled out in the face of poverty that is eating our country.
But Mr Kampyongo and Mr Kanganja will stand to blame one day soon if they don’t take decisive action to clean up our police so that once more it can begin to tick through professionalism. Concerned senior citizen.