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M’membe is jealous of Lungu, says Robert Mwanza


ENVY and jealous are driving Fred M’membe to constantly attack President Edgar Lungu, Citizens Democratic Party leader, Robert Mwanza has said.

Mr Mwanza said yesterday that Mr M’membe is a very bitter person and only joined politics to revenge on the closure of The Post newspaper which was closed for tax evasion.

Mr Mwanza however challenged Mr M’membe to explain his role in the K15 million Zambian Airways loan debacle and his tax evasion case.

He said the likes of Mr M’membe were just bent on confusing Zambians as the country heads towards the general election so that the electorate can rule out the Patriotic Front from the race. 

“Knowing what happened to the Post, the man is a bitter person but my advice is for him to stop being vindictive and accept that he made a mistake by not paying taxes to the Zambian people,” he said

Mr M’membe, who is Socialist Party leader and former proprietor of the liquidated Post newspaper is quoted in yesterday’s edition of the Mast newspaper as saying President Lungu and the PF are trying to impose themselves on the people at all costs.  Mr M’membe also claimed that President Lungu was trying to impose himself as a presidential candidate when the constitution does not allow a third term of office.

But Mr Mwanza observed that from the time the Post was closed for failure by the newspaper to pay taxes to Government, Mr M’membe has been on rampage attacking President Lungu and the PF government.

He said whatever comment was coming from Mr M’membe, against the President is purely coming from a point of vengeance and vindictiveness and that is even the reason he went into politics.

He said Mr M’membe, who is a lawyer should never be among the street lawyers who are misleading Zambians on a straight forward matter.

Mr Mwanza advised him to read the judgement before commenting on the issue that he seems not to understand properly. Mr Mwanza said whatever Mr M’membe and other proponents of regime change were saying against Mr Lungu was a waste of time because the people of Zambia have already made up their minds to maintain the PF in power.


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