Retire in peace, KK told

Thu, 13 Sep 2012 04:31:30 +0000

First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda has been advised to stay away from active politics to avoid losing his honour as a founding father of the nation.

NAREP on the Copperbelt says Dr Kaunda should remain in retirement because Zambians have not forgotten the misery he put them through during his 27-year rule.

Provincial coordinator Rev Jevan Kamanga said in Luanshya that instead the former president should remain an advisor on all matters affecting the nation.

Rev Kamanga said Dr Kaunda risked losing his honour if he continued to be in active politics although he was free to participate in the affairs of the nation as an advisor.

“We just want to remind Dr. Kaunda that the Zambian people have not forgotten what he did in the 27 years he ruled Zambia, and though we are proud that he brought us independence and development, we have not forgotten the misery he put us through,” said Rev Kamanga.

Rev Kamanga said it was not proper for  Dr Kaunda to react or take a swipe at any political party because that was tantamount to breach of retirement conditions.

He explained that the PF government should be given a chance to build on what other previous governments did.

“MMD carried forward what UNIP started and now it’s time for PF to build on what MMD did. After PF, another party will take over and take further this nation,” he said

Rev Kamanga claimed Dr. Kaunda took sides and supported MMD and
Mr. Rupiah Banda by relentlessly attacking Mr. Sata.

“Now he has turned around and is busy supporting Mr. Sata and castigating MMD,” he said.


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