Local News



THE continued attacks on some members of the Patriotic Front on account of belonging to the now opposition party are uncalled for.

They are an attack on the democracy that the nation is trying to entrench as being espoused by President Hakainde Hichilema.

In yesterday’s edition, we reported about two attacks on PF supporters by suspected members of the United Party for National Development (UPND) which is now in government after the August 12 general elections.

In Lusaka, an unidentified assailant attacked a PF member, Dambo Phiri Roma and fled in an unregistered vehicle.

Mr Phiri was left for dead before he was rushed to hospital where his condition was reported to be critical. He was not just an ordinary person, he was the PF youth chairman for ward 20 in Roma.

Another incident was reported in Kasama where a PF stalwart, Ms Mable Ngosa was abduct- ed by four suspected UPND cadres who were ar- rested on Saturday morning from her home.

Ms Ngosa was saved by taxi drivers and only God knows what could have happened to her had their mission been accomplished.

These two incidences clearly give credence to insinuations that these are coordinated attacks by UPND cadres directed at PF sympathisers.

At least, we are glad that four suspects were ar- rested in Kasama and these could give a clue as to their motive in the botched abduction of Ms Ngosa.

It is ironic that at a time when the nation should be healing from the acrimonious August 12 gener- al elections, there are still incidences of PF sym- pathisers being singled out for retribution.

The immediate violence that broke out at mar- kets and bus stations after Mr Hichilema was de- clared winner of the Presidential poll was under- standable and attributed to overzealous UPND cadres who now thought they should take control of the facilities from the vanquished PF.

But President Hichilema is on record stating that these facilities must be run by the authorities and caderism under his administration is not on the agenda.

Moreover, President Hichilema has since his electoral victory called for reconciliation, without any form of retribution.

That is the spirit that should be seen at the grass- roots and not the wanton attacks on the UPND’s

perceived enemies – PF sympathisers. PF Mandevu Member of

Parliament Christopher Shakafuswa, commenting on Mr Phiri’s attack said the party is concerned with

these unfortunate incidents.

Mr Shakafuswa complained that this is not the

Zambia the people want where citizens are at- tacked and maimed for having a different political view.

Yes, the focus now stretching across the political divide should be to rebuild the country’s economy in a peaceful conducive climate.

The political diversity must be viewed as one of the country’s greatest strengths.


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