There was no theft in the purchase of 42 fire engines

Fri, 27 Oct 2017 10:08:39 +0000

 Dear Editor,

DON’T show ignorance in public.

I live in UK and there are customised tractors costing over 1 million pounds each.

So to say they stole is a word spoken with limited knowledge.

The best argument would be questioning buying 42 fire engines at such a cost and then give them to some towns which are less productive.

 You cannot give Lusaka and Chinsali or Monze or Petauke the same size of the fire engines.

The fire engines of that size and cost could have been for cities and provincial towns only and cheaper ones could have been bought for smaller towns.

Those fire engines will need maintenance, can small towns manage that?

The other point is you people should know that all economies are struggling, including developed countries except that it’s easy to observe them easily in Africa than Europe.

Khumalo Mthunzi


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