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WE are happy that the Patriotic Front (PF) is not looking at faces when adopting candidates but picking people who are popular on the ground, the Anti-Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) has said.

AVAP Copperbelt Regional Coordinator, Poster Jumbe, said this was the best way a democratic party needed to go.

He said the move was the best one for the country because the leaders would now be forced to work extra hard unlike what was seen in the past years.

Mr Jumbe said in an interview in Kitwe that leaders at all levels would now be forced to work in line with what they had promised the people.

“Those elected will now learn their lessons especially those who disappear after being elected and only reappear a few months before an election.

“We have seen people becoming ‘good Samaritans’ to the people that voted them into office only when it is adoption time which is very wrong,” he said.

Mr Jumbe said leaders needed to be closer to the people at all times not only when begging for votes.


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