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FORMER first lady, Maureen Mwanawasa has been sued in the Lusaka High Court by a Belgian company for alleged failure to transfer more than US$58, 000 she received on its behalf last year.

NV Alterra wants the High Court to order Dr Mwanawasa to pay damages for loss of business in the amount of US$2, 000 monthly from date of receipt of money in May 2020 to date, to compensate it for financial loss.

It is also seeking interest, costs and any other relief the court may deem fit.

According to a statement of claim, NV Alterra was and is a company incorporated under the laws of Belgium and its office at Louis Tehevenetlaan, 24, 1500 Halle, Belgium while Dr Mwanawasa has been sued as a partner at Mwanawasa and Company.

It stated that it engaged Dr Mwanawasa to represent the company in a matter under cause no. 2015/HPC/0254.

NV Alterra stated that in a judgment dated August 30, 2017 it was awarded by the court to be paid by defendants under cause 2015/HPC/0254 in the sum of US$45, 690. 00 less K1, 300 plus the interest of five percent per annum from the date of the writ up to the date of the full payment.

However, the defendants under the said matter failed to comply with the judgment and upon seeing the failure to be paid its entitlement as per judgment, NV Alterra commenced a matter under cause no 2018/HP/2134 using Dr Mwanawasa and her firm to charge and sell stand no. LUS /10426, Lusaka at the time owned by the second and third defendants under cause no 2015/HPC//0254.

It stated that by a charging order absolute dated November 7, 2018 wherein it was ordered that the amount due to it on a judgment of the High Court dated August 30, 2017 and interest at five percent per annum from the date of the writ of summons be charged on stand Number  LUS/10426 Lusaka.

 And the said stand was sold to Mohammed Badat and Ahmed Gulam Hussein for K1, 925, 000.00 and the money transferred to Dr Mwanawasa’s firm account, an amount including five percent interest amounting to US$58. 891.00.

NV Alterra stated that despite Dr Mwanawasa receiving the US$58. 891.00, she has to date refused or neglected to transfer the amount despite making promises of doing so to the Belgium-based company.


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