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VICE-PRESIDENT Inonge Wina has noted that the various developmental projects embarked by late First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda on the Copperbelt Province are still impacting people’s lives.

Ms Wina has highlighted mining as one of the major sectors that saw massive strategic investments which in turn yielded positive results that trickled to other key sectors of socio-economic development in Zambia.

The Vice-President said this in a speech read for her by Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet in-charge of Administration, Patrick Kangwa during the state funeral procession of Dr. Kaunda at the Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

Ms Wina called on the people to promote the principles and values that Dr Kaunda stood for as a way of honouring him.

And Dr Kaunda’s eldest son, retired Colonel Panji Kaunda urged political leaders to desist from using young people in perpetrating hatred and violence through tribalism and regionalism for their political mileage. Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe said Dr. Kaunda propelled the agenda and motto of One Zambia and One Nation which the nation was still riding on.

Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of traditional leaders from the Copperbelt, Senior Chief Chiwala of Masaiti remembered Dr. Kaunda as one of the few people who sacrificed for the nation.

“We will remember him as one person who was so loving and did not discriminate against anyone. Today is the day when all Zambians should come together and follow his legacy of love and peace,” Senior Chief Chiwala said.

And UCZ Copperbelt Presbytery Bishop Reverend Albert Chilufya Bowa said that Dr. Kaunda believed that Zambia and Africa should be liberated and he lived the talk throughout his life. – ZANIS.


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